Spring Summit Presenters

Akeyla Wild Wood

Akeyla Wild Wood is a pan, polyam, disabled Canadian Witch who began her Pagan path at the young age of 13. During her journey, she has been most drawn to animism, deeply feeling the spirits within everything. After her hand disability forced her to pivot away from the photography she loves so much in 2020, she opened her own online metaphysical shop, Wild Wood Witchery. It has since grown to include high end and ethically sourced crystals, as well as an assortment of handmade altar items (her most beloved being the Sacred wands she creates for others). Akeyla's greatest joy comes from being mama to four amazing children, and seeing the world through their eyes as they grow.

Alexis Christine Wild

Alexis Christine Wild is a Canadian mixed media artist creating bright inspiring artwork. She is a laughter yoga instructor, emobodied movement practioner, doula, and business owner. When she doesn't have paint all over her hands, she is usually chasing her four kiddos around as a single mama, digging in the garden or baking up a kitchen mess! Alexis creates and teaches in her home studio in London, Ontario. She is passionate about creating opportunities for people to discover their own unique way of art and movement and to live lives that feel full of joy!

Madonna Simons

Madonna Simons is a female empowerment coach, plus size model and photographer. She works with women of all ages to reclaim their sovereign strength and step into their power. Madonna runs retreats all over the world to connect women in sisterhood and help them get back in touch with their wild roots. She believes that the greatest expansion happens in travel, and uses it as a valuable tool to help women grow. Madonna loves travel, music and dances hip hop. Using dance, she teaches women to move their energy and activate their divine feminine power. Madonna wants other women to know that they have absolute control and can change the circumstances of their lives using only their intention and personal vibration.

Vero Bero

Vero Bero is the Founder of Sacred Crystals, A Crystal Shop and Open Spirituality Center in St. Petersburg, FL physically located in Tyrone Square. Vero teaches her clients that we are all the Shaman of our own experience, divine beings connected to all that is. She teaches that Crystals are the Earths tools and gifts, given to us by divine right to aid in our progression on this life path. Vero takes on her name, which means Truth in many languages, and works diligently to create a space for all to explore their spiritual and philosophical paths with her beautiful team, the family that is Sacred Crystals. She is an Ordained Minister, a Spiritual Advisor, a Red Drum Carrier, a Reiki Practitioner, a Crystal Healer, a Writer, a Mother to the incredible Phoenix Rose, a Shaman, a Priestess, a Free Spirit, a Traveling Sister, a Friend, a Goddess, a Dancer, a Speaker, an Angel, (a lil’ bit devil), and a Moderate Housekeeper (because there are so many other things to do with one’s time).

Yuri Leitch

Yuri Leitch lives in Glastonbury, Somerset, where he works as an author and artist. He also spends many of his hours with his head stuck in dusty old books and has made a passionate study of British History, Celtic Folklore and a broad spectrum of the world's ancient mythologies for over twenty years. The Ogham Grove is a modern way of working with the Ogham, as both a year wheel and as a sacred circle, or grove; for both solitary rituals and group work within a sacred landscape - and as an internal, astral sanctuary, within one's own mind - one's inner grove.

Britney Layne

Britney Layne is a woman of many talents and a mother of five boisterous earth children. After her first two babes, Britney became aTraditional Women's Dancer at pow wows. Since then, she has been following the Creator's path as it appears.

Sue Rose Moon

Sue Rose Moon is a Witch of Westwood & full moon child who dances naked under the stars. Sue is a wild nature witch in a modern world, an artist, discovering & creating beauty. She is a lifelong student of yoga & curiosity, and a teacher of yoga, forest school & magic crafting. As an intuitive tarot reader & shadow worker, she is always searching for a labyrinth.

Elise Brathwaite

Elise Brathwaite is the Founder and CEO of the Unity Consciousness Collective, a Truth Activist, Modern Day Oracle, and Spiritual Facilitator. With over 20 years experience in the Mystical Arts and almost a decade worth of experience in Spiritual Response Therapy, Elise offers sessions, classes, workshops, and tools to help people remove energetic and past life blocks so they can awaken their sacred wisdom, expand their luminosity and experience spiritual ascension to live a limitless and thriving life of passion and purpose.

Lugh O'Herodain

Lugh (or Luke) is a Clinical Herbalist, foraging instructor and ethnobotanist based in Ireland. He is registered with the Irish Register of Herbalists, the largest Professional Association for Clinical Herbalists in Ireland and is a member of the Association of Foragers. Lugh has gathered an eclectic mix of knowledge, from the traditional plant lore of his home country Ireland, the Irish language and the ancient Brehon law to translating scientific texts from early 20th Century French Herbalist Doctors. Aside from taking on patients and doing workshops, he formulates teas, makes creams, ointments, tinctures and spends much of his time in nature. Lugh continues to dive into his connection with the land of Eriú upon which thousands of ancient megalithic structures lay.

Victoria Keen

Victoria Keen is a mother, mystic, and maker. An Aquarian soul sister introduced Victoria to the Human Design System a decade ago. Upon laying eyes on her chart for the first time, she received a deep activation, and has been studying and running her own human design experiment ever since. Human Design is a roadmap to the inner self -- an energetic snapshot of how you uniquely receive and transmit energy, hear your intuition and make optimal decisions for your specific aura type. Victoria teaches the life changing and fascinating tool that is Human Design System as well as making gorgeous and life affirming products through her business Horn of the Moon Apothecary.

Nikiah Seeds

Nikiah Seeds is a fourth generation settler currently living on the ceded lands of the Lenape, Munsee and Mohican first peoples. Her ancestors came to Canada via Romania, Scotland, Ireland and England.

Nikiah has spent over two decades creating ceremonies for the birth, death, re-birth cycles that we as humans go through and this work is embedded deeply in her soul. She is passionate about ancestral work and sees it as some of the most crucial work we can do in our lifetimes, especially if we ourselves want to become good ancestors. At her core, Nikiah is a traditional animist Spirit worker/Healer. She was originally initiated into northern European animist tradition, and her work is informed by the many teachings and teachers she has been fortunate to guide me over the past two decades.

Keridwyn Hershberger

Keridwyn Hershberger is an animist, trance worker, world traveler, and ritualist. Her immediate roots are in Welsh Family Tradition and Celtic Wicca on her father’s side and Unitarian Universalism and Lebanese Folk Magic on her mother’s. Keridwyn has been the artisan and owner of Devonshire Incense and Soap since 2004.
As part of her spiritual practice, Keridwyn has studied a wide variety of global belief systems, philosophies, and working practices, with emphasis on the underlying cultural roots of each. She has trained in forms of energy work and divination, daily ritual practice, grounding and centering, trance, and astral travel.

For the past 21 years, it has been her immense honor to
teach Herbalism, Incense Making, Animism, Group Energy Work, Trance Channeling, and Foundational Witchcraft to practitioners all over the United States.

Niema Lightseed

Niema Lightseed (she/her) belongs to poetry, painting, tall trees, and still-wild rivers. A practitioner since 2004, her work as a multi-disciplinary artist, teacher, and healer explores the relationship between creativity, embodiment, and liberation. She is in an ever-deepening process of learning how to heal autoimmunity, transform internalized oppression, dismantle capitalism, and serve our collective evolution towards an interconnected and regenerative world built through radical imagination.
TheBodyPoetic.com | Niema.Substack.com

Madre Jaguar

Madre Jaguar is a Curandera, Reiki Master, Clairvoyant Oracle, Tarot Reader, Birth Doula and Intuitive Artist.

Madre Jaguar has always walked between the worlds. Ever since they can remember, Madre Jaguar has experienced visions, prophetic dreams, visitations and a strong clear connection to their Spirit team. They are the child of Salvadoran immigrants; of Nahuatl, Mayan, Pipil, and Garifuna descent, born in Los Angeles, California and raised in Mexico, where they currently reside. Through their healing practice, readings, classes and projects Madre Jaguar’s goal is to help you connect with the inner power, wisdom and magic that lies within; all while helping you remember your Divine origin and unique soul purpose.

Christine Marie

Christine Marie is practitioner of Color Healing, Destiny Cards, and Dark Moon Magic. She has studied many different modes of magic for over two decades and these three practicess are her everyday modalities for shifting the shit. Color work is the language of the soul and can provide deep insights into our inner workings. In addition to color work, Christine also incorporates destiny cards and dark moon magic regularly. Destiny cards are a unique system of divination that can provide insight into our strengths, weaknesses, and destined life path. Dark moon magic, on the other hand, is a darker challenge that involves shadow work in conjunction with the energies of the dark moon.


Noxx is an Independent Video Game Developer, father, pagan and Reiki Practitioner. As a witch, he was drawn to having his own grimoire, and learned the skill and art of Book Binding. Noxx has published a few small games as part of public game developer competitions, and is currently working on a larger solo project. He streams his Video Game Development live on Twitch, and can be found on Youtube as well. His journey as a game developer has him constantly learning and in order to provide an enjoyable, fulfilling experience for players he has dedicated his energies to knowing how things are made and how skills are learned. Noxx is a creator at heart, with an inexhaustible imagination.

Sonya Lyn

Labyrinth Priestess, Spiritual Life & Creativity Guide, Author & Creator of Embodied Play Experiences

Sonya Lyn is a member of the Sisterhood of Avalon and a student with the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids. She has worked with the ancient wisdom of the enigmatic labyrinth for nearly 20 years, offering workshops & retreats. It is her passion to guide you towards a creative life in which you feel nourished by your choices, surroundings, a life that draws in the sacred everyday, & a life that embraces joy. Sonya Lyn draws her own spiritual path from Ancient Druidry, the Celtic Wheel of the Year, Jesus & Mary Magdalene & through this has created a belief system that guides her own sacred life.

Lady Ann

Lady Ann was born with the paranormal in her body, beginning with her earliest memories of ghosts, shadow entities, Sasquatch encounters and more. Lady Ann is a Reiki Master and Intuitive Tarot reader who loves to dive into the Spiritual realm with a special place in her heart for manifestation. She is also the owner of KPNL Radio - a digital broadcasting station that airs music 7 days a week and paranormal podcasts after 5pm. Lady Ann's book Aperture in the Veil: Born in a Preternatural World is now available! The book explores what it is like to grow up with psychic abilities and actually see things you thought only existed in your nightmares. She has also been a guest on many shows including coast to coast am.

Natasha Pachalove

Natasha Pachalove is an energyworker, wellness mentor, full spectrum doula + ritual dancer committed to illuminating the heart centered Truth in all Beings. Having experienced two ceremonial abortions at home has opened a path for her to support others in healing from pregnancy loss. She utilizes Rhythm, Plant Medicine, Breathwork + Prayer to alchemize our greatest pains into the light that guides us Home to our greatest strengths. Through her ceremonies, workshops + private sessions, she is dedicated to creating nurturing spaces where people can rediscover their inner resources to grow.

You can connect deeper with Natasha + learn about her offerings at thesacredremembrance.com.

Heidi Mason

Heidi is the creator of “Healing Through Light Language with Heidi Mason." She is the channel and facilitator for The GURU IN YOU LIGHT LANGUAGE Monthly Membership and offers private Intuitive Healing Light Language sessions. As a former Physical Therapist turned Intuitive Energy Healer and Light Language channel, Heidi has developed the unique ability to speak not only the languages of your brain but now the languages of your heart and soul. She is passionate about sharing both with other openhearted beings, healers, spiritual seekers, and empowered light workers.

Amanda Curcuru

Mother, Doula, Creatix, Hearth Witch, Healer.

Amanda is the the owner of Live More Magick where she offers services based around preconception to Motherhood. Live More Magick was created to help mothers cultivate a life of love, trust, faith, abundance and touch of magick. She believes that true healing starts within own four walls, and so much of her magick that she spins is rooted in around the home and family. Amanda lives in MA with her husband and their 3 children. If you like to learn more about her work you can find her at:


jim mcdonald

In 1994, jim mcdonald life changed when he drank tea from a wild plant he harvested from the land he lived upon. jim's approach to herbcraft is deeply rooted in the land he lives upon, and blends traditional european folk influences with 19th century eclectic and physiomedical vitalism, which he conveys with story, experience, humour, common sense and lore to students, clients, random passersby and readers of his websites www.herbcraft.org & herbcraft.podia.com. He's taught classes throughout North America, is one of the organizers of the Great Lakes Herb Faire and is currently alternately writing “Foundational Herbcraft” and the “A Great Lakes Herbal”, in addition to articles for journals and other publications. jim is a community herbalist, a manic wildcrafter and medicine maker, and has been an ardent student of the most learned teachers of herbcraft… the plants themselves.

Erica Nunnally

Erica is a modern folk medicine woman — weaving traditional animism, ritual, energy balancing, and ancestral tending into The Four Medicines™, a personal path for healing. She is an initiate of Ancestral Medicine, a traditional Usui Reiki Master Teacher, and an intuitive folk herbalist. Erica curates Illuminate, a six month personal healing journey for those who identify as women. She developed and curates The Art of Zen Business and is the author of The Seven Practices: how to live passionately, profitably, and on purpose. Erica shares her lessons learned nationally and internationally, online and in-person to help her clients redefine what it means for them to truly be well in life and work.

Noelani Love

Noelani is a galactic sound alchemist and channeler of divine codes to awaken and activate the divine feminine embodiment on Planet Earth. She is a creatrix and serves the spirit of Aloha also known as LOVE. She serves plant medicine and activates our collective voices as we rise into our full potential as creative beings. She also designs conscious jewelry adornments to activate your light frequencies.

Cynthia Snyder

Cynthia Snyder was raised by the forest. She is a seasoned outdoors woman living in Southwestern Ontario, who enjoys communing with nature year round, in all the elements. Through dream traveling, Cynthia has harnessed the power of her dreams throughout her life to explore and glean wisdom and creativity. Cynthia is a multi-talented creator, who also practices cartology and creates in depth water colour paintings with her talents.

Deborah Lindenberger

Deborah Lindenberger is a Canadian elemental witch who began her pagan path about 7 years ago. For the past 20 years she has practiced massage therapy with trainings in many different modalities including raindrop therapy and reiki. Though she has had a love for holding space for others wishing her practice she felt there was so much to more to learn thus leading her down her path as a witch and finding herself immersed in a new modality called Biodynamic craniosacral therapy. During her journey she has found a deep connection with the elements of this world and incorporates these elements in many of her practices. In 2020 she began another journey that is still in its baby phases, opening a small home business called SOULstice.

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